Isikhungo Sabantu NGO NPC Logo

Isikhungo Sabantu

Empowerment through education

Who We are

Isikhungo Sabantu is a Non-profit Company, aimed at eradicating poverty in South Africa through the development and mentorship of young people and women into being competent entrepreneurs. Isikhungo Sabantu NPC was established in December 2017 and registered with CIPC as an NPC in 2018. Its membership is spread across South Africa. With most of the members coming from Gauteng and the Eastern Cape.

The level of unemployment in South Africa is on rise and it has become very crucial to set up institutions that have capacity to develop entrepreneurs that really understand how to run successful businesses as well as to assist people that want to set up sustainable businesses that provide employment.

Young Mother's Empowerment

This program is meant for young mothers that weren't able to finish school due to early pregnancy to finish their matric and pursue their studies or find employment.

Soweto's Ability Center

This center is meant to provide activities and basic care to the disability community in Soweto as well as preparing them for employement

Isikhungo Sabantu FSC

Isikhungo Sabantu Set Up a cooperative financial institution own by its members to financially empower its members through financial products and services.

Our projects

Our projects are meant to empower no matter which background they are comming from. We are also adding as much free information on our website and social media as we do understand our members circumstances and it is not everyone that can afford to travel or that is able to do so. 

We are currently rolling our different programs for members, free courses, workshops and sessions where we assist them with internship applications and drafting of CV’s.

Isikhungo Sabantu FSC

Isikhungo Sabantu NPC took a resolution to set up a Cooperative Financial Institution (CFI) called Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative (FSC), which will be a cornerstone of all its activities to achieve its mandate of eradicating poverty in South Africa. The Members of Isikhungo Sabantu NPC will be able to buy shares from the FSC, save monthly to create social capital that will help start-ups and existing businesses, and give affordable loans to its members.

Isikhungo Sabantu's NPC's Cooperative Bank Members Isikhungo Sabantu Financial Services Cooperative IS FSC

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